Underground Stables at Calverton Colliery
Transport and Communication
Underground Stables at Calverton Colliery
Image of Miner with Lamp
Image of Miner with Lamp
Image of a Coal Conveyor
Production and Machinery
Image of a Coal Conveyor
Image of Miners Sorting Coal
Colliery Professions
Image of Miners Sorting Coal
Image of Miner and Safety Lamp
Image of Miner and Safety Lamp
Image of Miner Checking Safety Lamp
Colliery Professions
Image of Miner Checking Safety Lamp
Image of Showers
Health, Safety and Welfare
Image of Showers
Image of Paddy Train
Transport and Communication
Image of Paddy Train
Image of Lamproom
Colliery Professions
Image of Lamproom
Image of Trepanner
Production and Machinery
Image of Trepanner