84/85 – The Longest Year
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84/85 – The Longest Year

Wednesday 6 March 2024 - Monday 3 March 2025
Exhibition Space, The Hub

84/85 - The Longest Year logo

84/85 – The Longest Year is a yearlong exhibition and programme of events, held at the National Coal Mining Museum for England. Opening on 6 March 2024, it marks the 40th anniversary of the Miners’ Strike.

This exhibition considers the strike through memories and stories of miners and their families. Uniquely positioned at a former working colliery, the Museum addresses the broader picture of the strike and gives a voice to those who experienced it.

Shaped by the memories and objects shared through a public call-out and our existing collection, the exhibition looks at three different points of view:

  • Those who stayed out on strike for the whole year
  • Those who returned to work early
  • Those who did not strike
Upcoming events

Throughout the year dig deeper into key experiences and elements of the strike with workshops, performances, film screenings, discussions and more.

Poetry Workshops and Coal Anthology

Still the Enemy Within: Film Screening

Share your memories of 84/85

We are looking for people to share their memories of the strike, whether this is as a mineworker, relative of a miner or someone who lived within the mining communities during 1984/85. To find out more, and to submit your memories, volunteer to be interviewed or donate an object, click here.