Using the Library

Researcher? You can visit our Library by appointment only on Thursdays and Fridays, 10am-4pm.
Member of the public? We’re open Thursdays and Fridays, feel free to drop-in between 10am-4pm to see what’s going on.
Food & Drink
To protect our collection, consumption of food and drink is not allowed in the Library.
Caring for Books
To help preserve our collection for future generations, we ask visitors to observe the following guidelines when using the Library:
- Hands to be clean, dry and free from grease
- Ensure you have sufficient space in which to work comfortably
- Books should not be used to rest on
- Open books should not be placed face down or be stacked on top of one another
- Use acid free strips of paper for marking pages (provided by Library staff)
- Pencils should be used for taking notes
There are photocopying facilities available at the Library and staff will be happy to assist. If items you wish to copy are within copyright, we will ask you to fill in a Copyright Declaration form.
Photocopying charges:
A4: 10p each
A3: 20p each
Digital Images
We can also provide digital or scanned images of hard-copy material (e.g., articles in the journal Coal News or relevant page in an Accident Report) and email them to you. Again, a completed Copyright Declaration form is required before items can be sent.
DIY Digital Images: we are happy for you to bring your camera into the Library and take digital images of pages in books or journals. Copyright legislation still applies and an agreement regarding photography by visitors on site will be provided.