The History and Legacy of the 1984/5 Miners’ Strike Symposium
Join us for a captivating symposium on the history and legacy of the 1984-1985 Miners’ Strike, featuring a film screening, discussions and powerful presentations.
Event supported by the Society for the Study of Labour History.
10am – Welcome and refreshments
10.30am-12pm – The Strike in Historical Perspective
Speakers include:
Professor Keith Gildart (University of Wolverhampton), ‘Historians and the 1984/5 miners’ strike’.
Professor Andrew Perchard, “Run with the fox and hunt with the hounds”? Re-examining NCB managers during 1984-5 strike.
Professor David Howell, ‘Remembering George Spencer: Memory, Myth and the Nottinghamshire Coalfield’.
12pm-1pm – Lunch and ‘On Behalf of the People Exhibition’ – (Please bring your own lunch)
1pm-1.30pm – Special screening of In the Veins
A special screening of ‘In the Veins’, a short film that resonates through time, using over a century of archive footage to shine a light onto the face of the mining heritage of Yorkshire and the North East of England.
1.30pm-3pm – The Social and Political legacy of the Strike
Speakers include:
Dr Natalie Thomlinson (University of Reading), ‘Women and the strike: Narratives, memories, legacies’.
Dr Kat Simpson (University of Huddersfield): ‘Mined Out? Youth Experiences of Growing Up in the Former Coalfields of Barnsley’.
Chelsea Jackson, The Youth Work Unit: Yorkshire and The Humber.
Dr Lisa McKenzie, ‘The Belligerent- The State of the Red Wall working class’.
3pm-3.10pm – Refreshments
3.10pm-3.30pm – Closing Comments and Discussion
Heading Image: Les Smith, NCMME Collection